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2024 Washington County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 401-450 of 2098
Results last updated at: 03/07/2025 12:33 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Communication / Educational Presentations / 11100: Educational Presentation / 11002: Int. Educational Presentations (7th-9th grade)
290 Troyer, Cole 1412 The Red Ryder BB Gun Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
294 Clough, Braydon 1468 ABGA- Boer Goat History Red Washington Washington Go-Getters
325 Kelley, Leah 1650 History of Softball Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
92 Bruty, Morgan 1845 Color Wheel Blue Washington Green Acres
367 Overy, Patrick 1863 How to Catch a readers attention when writing a book Red Washington Limecreek Livewires
215 Ihrig, Macie 1870 Sand dollars Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
280 Holmes, Kinley 1876 Why Phones Are Bad For You Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
Communication / Educational Presentations / 11100: Educational Presentation / 11003: Sr. Educational Presentation (10th-12th grade)
37 Berdo, Tess 127 TBD Blue Washington Franklin Cubs
74 Evans, Ellie 495 Break away roping Purple Washington Horse And Pony Club
9 Huber, Callie 773 Prop 12 Blue Washington Limecreek Limelights
143 Ford, Peighton 809 Aksarben Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
203 Younge, Brynn 821 Golden Retrievers Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
208 Peck, Blake 854 EATING FOR HEALTH Purple Washington Limecreek Livewires
240 Bombei, Tate 1045 Trap shooting Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
274 Statler, Elijah 1295 The Story of my fishing trip in the Canadian wilderness Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
289 Piette, Gwen 1577 I will be giving a presentation on chickens. The care they need as well as how to identify different breeds and sexes. Purple Washington Highlanders
348 Whetstine, Allie 1747 Presentation on Washington County crop scouting team Purple Judge's Choice Washington Limecreek Limelights
133 Lowenberg, Brock 1803 educational presentation Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
105 Puttmann, Grace 1806 An educational presentation on some "Detours of the Mind". Purple State Fair Alternate Washington Limecreek Limelights
347 Janecek, Stella 1896 Washington County Crop Scouting Team Purple Judge's Choice Washington Horse And Pony Club
Communication / Extemporaneous Speaking / 11400: Extemporaneous Speaking
185 Sieren, Charlotte 745 Extemporaneous Speaking Purple State Fair Selected Dutch Creek Flyers
288 Murphy, Maya 1400 Extemporaneous Speaking Purple State Fair Selected Washington Washington Go-Getters
Communication / Pride of Iowa / 11501: Pride of Iowa
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 114 pinwheels Purple People's Choice Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
202 Rodgers, Hannah 813 Corn dip made in a crockpot served with tortilla chips Purple Washington Green Acres
223 Liska, Brooklynn 945 Strawberry Shortcake Blue Washington Limecreek Limelights
248 Conrad, Mia 1084 Chicken pin wheels with Ade Beinhart Purple People's Choice Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
138 Taylor, Emma 1240 Street Corn Dip Purple Judge's Choice Washington Washington Go-Getters
137 Taylor, Grace 1243 Street Corn Dip Purple Judge's Choice Washington Washington Go-Getters
132 Lowenberg, Ruby 1754 mint chip brownie ice cream squares Purple Washington Washington Go-Getters
133 Lowenberg, Brock 1805 strawberry salsa Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
83 Conger, Grace 1892 Monster Cookie Energy Bites Purple Washington 76 Progressives
84 Conger, Emily 1894 Monster Cookie Energy Bites Purple Washington 76 Progressives
222 Liska, Madilynn 2044 Blue Washington Limecreek Limelights
Communication / Share The Fun / 11300: Share The Fun
289 Piette, Gwen 1579 I will be telling the story "Sheila Rae, the Brave" by Kevin Henkes State Fair Selected Washington Highlanders
5 Green, Adrian 1585 Judge's Choice, State Fair Selected Washington Green Acres
132 Lowenberg, Ruby 1756 dance State Fair Selected Washington Washington Go-Getters
Communication / Working Exhibits / 11200: Working Exhibits
31 Septer, Annabelle 110 how to make homemade stickers Purple State Fair Selected Washington Prairie Pride
195 Meller, Calvin 775 Jumping Jellyfish Purple State Fair Selected Washington Riverside Enterprisers
197 Meller, Amelia 981 Dog Toys Blue Judge's Choice Washington Riverside Enterprisers
123 Marsengill, Tori 999 Recycled dog toy Blue Judge's Choice Washington Riverside Enterprisers
186 Stanerson, Siena 1130 This working exhibit has kids building rockets while learning about space. Blue Washington Riverside Enterprisers
273 Peiffer, Annabelle 1287 Handmade Dog Toys for the dog shelter Blue Judge's Choice Washington Riverside Enterprisers
268 Flynn , Emerson 1615 Working exhibit with Brin Stout and Anna Greiner Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
326 Van Ommen, Eleanor 1655 Dog Toys Blue Judge's Choice Washington Riverside Enterprisers
22 Greiner, Anna 1694 undecided Blue Washington 76 Progressives
283 Stout, Brinnley 1714 working with anna greiner and emerson flynn Blue Washington 76 Progressives
132 Lowenberg, Ruby 1753 tissue paper painting Purple State Fair Selected Washington Washington Go-Getters
353 Stanerson, Kiera 1770 Jumping Jellyfish Purple State Fair Selected Washington Riverside Enterprisers
106 Puttmann, Sophia 1807 Repurposing koozies into popsicle holders. Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Limelights
105 Puttmann, Grace 1808 Upcycling Koozies into popsicle holders. Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Limelights