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2024 Washington County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1251-1300 of 2098
Results last updated at: 03/07/2025 12:33 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Sheep / Pair of Lambs / 25301: Pair of Lambs
159 Leichty, Morgan 633 Purple 4th Washington WACO FFA
166 Davis, Peyton 686 Champion Pair of Lambs Washington Crooked Creek
166 Davis, Peyton 686 Purple 1st Washington Crooked Creek
308 Davis, Brysen 1547 Purple 6th Washington Crooked Creek
311 Longbine, Kerra 2462 Purple 5th Washington Highlanders
249 Conrad, Brynn 2463 Reserve Champion Pair of Lambs Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
249 Conrad, Brynn 2463 Purple 2nd Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
68 Eldridge, LilliAnne 2468 Purple 7th Washington Riverside Ramblers
270 Huston, Adelyn 2474 Purple 3rd Washington Limecreek Livewires
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10220: Conservation, Environment, and Sustainability
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 2002 Bluebird house Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
33 Beinhart, Isebell 2005 Bird house Purple Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
88 Schneider, Mason 2375 Recycled Cardboard Archery Target Purple Overall Conservation Award, State Fair Alternate Washington Green Acres
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10222: Entomology
201 McGuire, Tate 2177 5 Facts about Honey Bees Purple Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10224: Fish and Wildlife
160 Ford, Preston 659 Post with deer skulls Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
274 Statler, Elijah 1309 Turkey Fan Mount Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
274 Statler, Elijah 1310 Hydro Dipped European Deer Skull Mount Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10230: Horticulture and Plant Science
349 Drahota, Cade 1888 Succulent Garden Blue Washington Green Acres
65 Bartholomew, Taylor 2424 Cut Flower Garden Poster Blue Washington Franklin Cubs
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10235: Home Grounds Improvement
258 Redig, Max 1170 a windchime made using upcycled farm objects Blue Washington Limecreek Limelights
268 Flynn , Emerson 1713 Making a flower pot with flowers and solar water fountain Purple Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
175 Allen, Maylee 1926 I am going to be making a fairy garden. Purple Washington Limecreek Limelights
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 2003 Flower pot Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10250: Safety and Education in Shooting Sports
397 Rose, Dean 2288 My project is an educational display for safety on the shooting line in archery. Blue Washington Bows & Bullets
399 Rose, Nolan 2292 This project is an educational display on how to clean your rifle. Purple Washington Bows & Bullets
Static / Ag & Natural Resources / 10260: Other Agriculture and Natural Resources
165 Conrad, Alex 679 Goat Trailer Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
183 Janecek, Lane 1171 Toy tractor farm display Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
384 Rich, Dalton 2053 Farmstead agriculture display with manure pumping Blue Washington Green Acres
Static / Animals / 10110: Animal Science
53 Norman, Lane 594 Daily Care of Show Pigs Blue State Fair Alternate Washington Limecreek Livewires
225 Chalupa, Marissa 2099 Beef cuts Blue Best Promotion of Beef Industry, Most Educational Ag and Natural Resources Exhibit Washington Highlanders
225 Chalupa, Marissa 2100 Ruminant Digestive System Blue Best Promotion of Beef Industry Washington Highlanders
Static / Creative Arts / 10310: Music
209 Peiffer, Lovella 861 Brown eyed girl Purple State Fair Selected Washington Bows & Bullets
209 Peiffer, Lovella 862 Open Arms Purple State Fair Alternate Washington Bows & Bullets
Static / Creative Arts / 10320: Photography
14 Glandon, Sydnie 68 5 x 7 butterfly Purple Washington Washington Hustlers
63 Wilson, Brittney 218 Can you "hear" me - mule ears Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
63 Wilson, Brittney 219 Gotta a pocket full of flowers Purple Washington Washington Go-Getters
63 Wilson, Brittney 220 Koras love for anything water! Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
63 Wilson, Brittney 221 Dogs love and patience for her ball. Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
63 Wilson, Brittney 222 Sunset view from a leaf. Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
63 Wilson, Brittney 223 Dog and Bubble love! Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 275 beef Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 279 rose Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 282 dog Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 284 pear tree bloom Red Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 285 calf Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
52 Norman, Hayden 373 Photo 1 Purple Washington Limecreek Livewires
52 Norman, Hayden 374 photo 2 Purple Washington Limecreek Livewires
52 Norman, Hayden 376 Photo 4 Purple Washington Limecreek Livewires
52 Norman, Hayden 377 Photo 5 Purple Washington Limecreek Livewires
52 Norman, Hayden 378 Photo 6 Purple Washington Limecreek Livewires
14 Glandon, Sydnie 384 White Mulberry Leaf in a bush. Red Washington Washington Hustlers