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2024 Washington County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1801-1850 of 2098
Results last updated at: 03/06/2025 8:02 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Static / Family & Consumer Sciences / 10470: Sewing and Needle Arts: Constructed item
125 Langr, Bethany 503 Paper Pieced Dog Quilt Purple State Fair Selected Washington Washington Hustlers
197 Meller, Amelia 815 Blanket Blue Washington Riverside Enterprisers
214 Stoutner, Eve 898 Baby Blanket Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
214 Stoutner, Eve 903 Arm Pillow Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
250 Conrad, Reese 1094 Family Quilt Purple State Fair Selected Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
252 Brink, Callie 1111 A baby quilt with 6 inch squares tied. Blue Washington Washington Hustlers
184 Edwards, Sandra 1151 Quilt of Valor for a veteran, made by me, hand made Blue Washington Highlanders
251 Redig, Lilly 1169 twin sized tied quilt Purple Washington Limecreek Limelights
74 Evans, Ellie 1384 Sewed a skirt for Cowboy Mounted shooting for our dress code for events Purple Outstanding Constructed Clothing & Fashion Washington Horse And Pony Club
129 Marek, Adlei 1457 Quilt Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
129 Marek, Adlei 1459 Quilt Purple State Fair Selected Washington Washington Go-Getters
79 Rich, Avery 1549 Quilt of Valor Blue Washington Washington Hustlers
309 Ahn, Alexis 1552 Quilt of Valor Purple Washington Washington Hustlers
334 Liska, Makenyn 1669 Blanket Blue Washington Green Acres
58 Yudelmo, Ymbrace 1764 Ymbrace learned the art of knitting last school year and in this exhibit she will show a stuffed fish that she learned to make. Purple Washington Prairie Pride
100 Much, Eliza 1821 Punch needle wall hanging. Blue Washington Limecreek Limelights
349 Drahota, Cade 1889 Reusable Water Balloons Blue Washington Green Acres
268 Flynn , Emerson 2039 Making a blanket out of fabric and fleece Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
218 Billups, Caleb 2045 Pillowcase Blue Washington Green Acres
218 Billups, Caleb 2046 Teddy Bear - memory bear created with great grandparents old clothing. Purple Washington Green Acres
331 Greiner, Josephine 2081 Pillowcase Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
332 Greiner, Augusta 2084 Pillowcase Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
333 Greiner, Lillian 2086 Pillowcase Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
383 Miller, Olivia 2107 Pillowcase Purple Washington Limecreek Limelights
189 Heisdorffer, Halle 2172 Dad's Deer Quilt Purple State Fair Selected Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
189 Heisdorffer, Halle 2173 Quilt of Valor Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
339 Rinner, Emily 2247 Chicken Quilt Purple State Fair Selected Washington Crooked Creek
245 Hahn, Ellyana 2280 Tie Blanket Blue Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
253 Bombei, Taya 2359 Craft organizer Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
367 Overy, Patrick 2377 Crocheted Carrot Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
Static / Family & Consumer Sciences / 10480: Other Family and Consumer Science
129 Marek, Adlei 1465 No Sew Blanket Blue Washington Washington Go-Getters
393 Lujan, Olivia 2192 Homemade dog treats Blue Washington Prairie Pride
Static / Family & Consumer Sciences / 10490: Special Exhibition: Thrifty Meal Challenge
52 Norman, Hayden 596 Thrifty Meal challenge Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
92 Bruty, Morgan 1486 Thrifty Meal Challenge Purple State Fair Selected Washington Green Acres
325 Kelley, Leah 1651 Meal to feed 4 including 5 food groups. Consisting of chicken, couscous, milk, banana, broccoli Purple State Fair Alternate Washington Limecreek Livewires
18 Greiner, Ava 2150 Poster- Thrifty Meal Challenge Purple Washington 76 Progressives
177 Nafziger, Morgyn 2296 Chicken Enchiladas Blue Washington Bows & Bullets
Static / Personal Development / 10510: Citizenship and Civic Engagement
197 Meller, Amelia 814 Balloon Animals Purple Washington Riverside Enterprisers
272 Huston, Caedyn 1321 WWII Veteran Video Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
32 Beinhart, Adelinn 2006 Boards Purple State Fair Selected Washington Dutch Creek Flyers
Static / Personal Development / 10530: 4-H Poster Communication Exhibit
52 Norman, Hayden 597 Communication Poster Blue State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
92 Bruty, Morgan 1487 4-H Communication Poster Blue Washington Green Acres
278 Gent, Madison 2340 4H is...Fields of Opportunities! Blue State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Limelights
Static / Personal Development / 10550: Leadership
272 Huston, Caedyn 1322 WWII Veteran Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Livewires
Static / Personal Development / 10560: Self-Determined
153 Cerny, Kelsi 2156 Restored family heirlooms - John Deere 70 tractor with matching pedal tractor Blue Outstanding Personal Development Project Washington Highlanders
240 Bombei, Tate 2352 Squirrel shooting target Blue Washington Limecreek Livewires
Static / Science, Engineering, & Technology / 10610: Mechanics
111 Puttmann, Elijah 2326 1984 Corvette Engine Replacement Purple State Fair Selected Washington Limecreek Limelights
Static / Science, Engineering, & Technology / 10613: Automotive: Educational Display
324 Lee, Landon 1627 Table train display with educational information about trains and train safety Blue Washington Bows & Bullets
397 Rose, Dean 2287 My presentation is an educational display on how to change the oil in your vehicle. Blue Washington Bows & Bullets
Static / Science, Engineering, & Technology / 10614: Electric
191 Northup, Morgan 761 Replace Ignition switch on a four stroke Bob cat Blue Washington Green Acres