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2024 Colorado 4-H State Fair

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Viewing records 2151-2200 of 4055
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:09 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Small Engines / 2405: Warm It Up Unit 2 Int
598 Brownwood, Talan 1003 Lime green engine. Blue record book. 2nd Overall Reserve Champion Weld Range Runners 4-H
1285 Brinkerhoff, London 1964 small chainsaw White 3rd Larimer
1588 Coggin, Dakota 2592 "2 Stroke portable water pump (Pump it up girl) white three- ring binder" Lavender 2nd Logan
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Small Engines / 2406: Warm It Up Unit 2 Sr
1492 Ash, Skyler 2326 White display board, has a focus on 4-Wheeler rebuild, green record book. Lavender 2nd Cheyenne Happy Go Lucky
2198 Brown, Victoria 3790 White Board "2 Stroke vs. 4 Stroke" Blue Binder 1st Overall Grand Champion La Plata Mt. Allison Go-Getters
2198 Brown, Victoria 3790 White Board "2 Stroke vs. 4 Stroke" Blue Binder Purple 1st Class Champion La Plata Mt. Allison Go-Getters
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Small Engines / 2407: Tune It Up Unit 3 Jr
676 Ley, Carson 1112 Black display board with yellow, orange and red. Titled "Small Engine Carburetor Cleaning and Repair". Green record book. Purple 1st Class Champion Weld Galeton 4-H
676 Ley, Carson 1112 Black display board with yellow, orange and red. Titled "Small Engine Carburetor Cleaning and Repair". Green record book. 2nd Overall Reserve Champion Weld Galeton 4-H
1965 Korf, Judd 3039 dirt bike Lavender 2nd Phillips Trailblazer 4-H Club
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Small Engines / 2408: Tune It Up Unit 3 Int
1644 Scheopner, Trevor 2570 "How to Inspect parts for a Engine rebuild green record book" 1st Overall Grand Champion Logan
1644 Scheopner, Trevor 2570 "How to Inspect parts for a Engine rebuild green record book" Purple 1st Class Champion Logan
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Small Engines / 2409: Tune It Up Unit 3 Sr
322 Johnson, Keller 574 Grey Binder about Go Kart (go kart too big), green binder Purple 1st Custer
1253 Hastings, Dennis 1965 board Lavender 2nd Larimer
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Small Engines / 2411: Advanced Small Engines Unit 4 Sr
1045 Barber, Michael 1683 Purple 1st Class Champion Elbert
1045 Barber, Michael 1683 2nd Overall Reserve Champion Elbert
1601 Coggin, Landin 2571 "Resurrecting A dinosaur White three- ring binder" Lavender 2nd Logan
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Woodworking / 2501: Measuring Up Unit 1 Jr
380 Reynolds, Finn 673 jewelry box with lid White 3rd Douglas
483 Krisco, Carlie 773 A small wooden birdhouse made out of natural color wood. The roof is attached with rivets/nails, and there is a dowel perch underneath the birdhouse opening. Yellow 5th Pueblo
604 Darnell, Caleb 1009 Grey birdhouse - single opening with stand at hole. Blue poly pronged folder record book. Multi-color Weld Small Town Critters
793 Mason, Violet 1260 Painted mailbox. White 3-ring binder. Multi-color Kit Carson Smoky Hill 4-H Club
836 Oeltjenbruns , Asher 1308 Wooden step stool Green 6th Montrose
1026 Drummond, Malachy 1594 Forest green matte napkin holder/letter holder made from pine. Yellow record book. Multi-color Arapahoe
1092 Goddard, Carson 1684 Multi-color Elbert
1124 Radle, Lucas 1752 He is excited to work with wood. Gray 9th Las Animas
1201 Whitman, Owen 1869 Tool box Purple 1st Class Champion Larimer
1201 Whitman, Owen 1869 Tool box 2nd Overall Reserve Champion Larimer
1462 Drees, Titus 2283 Toolbox and wood carving Multi-color Gunnison
1676 Lerdal , Emma 2622 "Lego Coat rack green record book" Light Green 7th Logan
1884 Koeller, Chance 2904 Letter/napkin holder green folder Lavender 2nd Prowers
1387 Ahlgrim, Ethan 2929 Wood Picture Frame with blingy colorful cat face picture in the frame. Multi-color Routt
1913 Smith, Laithen 2950 Gray wooden tool box (Green 4-H folder record book) Pink 4th Mesa Regulators
2110 Richardson, Silas 3266 Light Colored Trunk. Green 4-H Record Cover Light Blue 10th Morgan Winning Edge
2149 Thomas, Serenity 3331 A wooden jewelry box Multi-color Bent
2372 Martin, James Jr 3682 Open box w/ artificial flowers in top Multi-color Lincoln Walk's Camp 4-H Club
2426 DePue, Jensen 3755 circle shelf Multi-color Yuma Arena Magic 4-H Club
2553 Bertram, Paige 3943 Walnut wood with cherry veneer. Green cover on 4H record book. Multi-color Archuleta
2575 Polkowske, Kasyn 3996 Shelf Brown 8th Rio Grande
2719 Gibson, Jasper 4240 Step stool - White Record book Multi-color Otero
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Woodworking / 2502: Measuring Up Unit 1 Int
437 Sloan, Ethan 774 A three-tiered wooden shelf unit. The shelves are a medium natural wood, and the legs are painted black. Gray 9th Pueblo
794 Mason, Penelope 1263 3-panel picture hanging board. White 3-ring binder. Multi-color Kit Carson Smoky Hill 4-H Club
1016 Kerr, Gunner 1595 Stained Napkin Holder. Yellow record book. Yellow 5th Arapahoe
1132 Martinez, Wyatt 1780 Garden Stand White 3rd Park Hamburger Helpers
1666 Horner, Liam 2623 "Baseball holder green record book" Light Green 7th Logan
1792 Thompson, Devin 2790 3 Pegged Wooden Game Brown 8th Baca
1875 Miller, Wyatt 2905 Grooming box black binder Green 6th Prowers
1978 Struckmeyer, Amy 3052 Dark wood coat hanger, mail holder, and shelf (one piece) Pink 4th Phillips Raising Ranchers
2123 Wentz, Mia 3278 Brown Open Storage Box. White Binder Lavender 2nd Morgan Morgan Sandburs
2238 Piccoli, Gracie 3466 Small brown stool with Red Binder Purple 1st La Plata Super Shooters
2352 Rock, Hesten 3756 small shelf Light Blue 10th Yuma Ace High
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Woodworking / 2503: Measuring Up Unit 1 Sr
767 Myers, Kaleb 1227 Cutting Board with Myers name on it Yellow Record Book Multi-color Garfield