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2024 Colorado 4-H State Fair

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Viewing records 2051-2100 of 4055
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:09 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Model Rocketry / 2210: Advanced Model Rocketry Unit 4 Jr
1364 Smith, Blake 2155 Green 4-H folder with name on the front. “The Sasha” multi-stage model rocket Lavender 2nd Rio Blanco
2698 Entenman, Braxton 4238 Olympus Rocket - Brown and White on a Brown Board - Blue Record Book Purple 1st Otero
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Model Rocketry / 2211: Advanced Model Rocketry Unit 4 Int
679 Lowry, James 1117 Model Rocket, white and black labeled CARDE with 3 fins. Black binder record book. 2nd Overall Reserve Champion Weld Galeton 4-H
679 Lowry, James 1117 Model Rocket, white and black labeled CARDE with 3 fins. Black binder record book. Lavender 2nd Class Reserve Champion Weld Galeton 4-H
1000 Vidger, Emmett 1591 Red/Silver rocket, wood base. White record book. Multi-color Arapahoe
1044 Smith, Azariah 1679 1st Overall Grand Champion Elbert
1044 Smith, Azariah 1679 Purple 1st Class Champion Elbert
1659 Mills, Garrett 2596 "Super Orbital Transport white and red rocket on dark brown wooden base Green record book" White 3rd Logan
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Model Rocketry / 2212: Advanced Model Rocketry Unit 4 Sr
771 Glynn, William 1234 Dary Gray squid like rocket with 6 fins on a round wooden base Teal record book Yellow 5th Garfield
1426 Archuleta, Roman 2224 large dark green rocket on a dark brown stand soft green 4-H record book Green 6th Jefferson
1533 Fisher, Gilbert 2421 White Estes B.O.S.S rocket Purple 1st Larimer
1660 McCormick, Walker 2597 Blue and orange rocket- blue record book Pink 4th Logan
1768 Chenoweth, Slade 2784 Blue Mean Machine Rocket Lavender 2nd Baca
2013 DeBacker, Rory 3105 Unit 4 Rocket White 3rd Boulder
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Model Rocketry / 2213: Designer Model Rocketry Unit 6 Int
1008 Fricke, Adam (AJ) 1592 Lego Rocket. Green record book. Multi-color Arapahoe
1043 Smith, Malachi 1680 Purple 1st Elbert
1803 Bradford, Elise 2785 Green Viper Rocket Lavender 2nd Baca
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Model Rocketry / 2214: Designer Model Rocketry Unit 6 Sr
366 Watts, Wesley 671 dark green rocket with 3D printed stand Multi-color Douglas
1157 Gebhardt, Marley 2422 Junior High Power Certification Self-Designed Rocket. 1st Overall Grand Champion Larimer
1157 Gebhardt, Marley 2422 Junior High Power Certification Self-Designed Rocket. Purple 1st Class Champion Larimer
1730 West, Joel 2721 Black & red with round fins. black and white folder White 3rd Montezuma
1790 Lovejoy, Mylo 2786 White Rocket with Purple Tip Lavender 2nd Baca
2014 hudgins, andrew 3106 Pink 4th Boulder
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Robotics and Engineering / 2301: Give Robotics a Hand Display Board Unit 1 Jr
255 Schroeder, Alexander (Xander) 528 History of Robotics Yellow 5th El Paso
1124 Radle, Lucas 1750 He is creating a robot. White 3rd Las Animas
1483 Welle, Ewan 2314 Display Board - ROBOTICS across top with Orange behind showing what he learned. Pink 4th Routt
1620 Pedraza, Oliver 2524 Display board for unit 1 robotics about creating a robotic hand. Multi-color Teller Mountain Valley
1888 Lanckriet , Elijah 2902 Dream vs. Reality Robotic addition- Clear cover book Purple 1st Prowers
2303 Brown, Elijah 3568 White board with neon green Multi-color Rio Grande Sargent Community
2304 Plane, Broly 3569 Black Board with Yellow and Blue Multi-color Alamosa Sand Dune Drifters
2557 Andreatta, Jhett 3963 Robotics Facts and Process Lavender 2nd Huerfano Huerfano Highlanders
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Robotics and Engineering / 2304: Give Robotics a Hand Stand Alone Unit 1 Jr
289 Lujan, Samuel 498 Robot made out of red plastic cups with green, orange, and red markers and wiggles when battery is inserted Brown 8th El Paso Greener Pastures
687 Meisner, Levi 1125 Knex Robot Catapult. Green record book. Multi-color Weld Range Runners 4-H
1089 Thompson, River 1681 Purple 1st Elbert
1268 Cumpsten, Logan 1961 Wind Turbine Yellow 5th Larimer
1517 Palmer, Raymond 2363 Light wood marshmellow trebuchet catapult with a yellow record cover. Lavender 2nd Cheyenne Old Wells
1619 Orme, Jax 2522 Robotics Unit 1 Junior-Stand Alone Item: Tube straw grabber Light Blue 10th Teller Woodland Park Pathfinders
1679 Meece, Luke 2621 Marshmallow catapult with plastic lid as holder. Multi-color Logan
1891 Licano, Raven 2903 marshmallow catapult stand alone exhibit- Clear cover book Light Green 7th Prowers
2169 Discoe, Jase 3368 popsicle stick catapult Multi-color Ouray
2255 Ferree, Duke 3550 Blue Robot Car w/ Black Wheels Multi-color Lincoln Walk's Camp 4-H Club
2384 Hendrix, Ted 3697 orange claw Green 6th Yuma Wauneta
2557 Andreatta, Jhett 3964 Black and Blue Race Car Pink 4th Huerfano Huerfano Highlanders
2606 Turner, Sawyer 4060 Spoon Catapult Red Binder White 3rd La Plata Super Shooters
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Robotics and Engineering / 2305: Give Robotics a Hand Stand Alone Unit 1 Int
809 Jarnagin, Carter 1280 Syringe hydraulic grabber. Black 3-ring binder. Purple 1st Kit Carson Go-Getters 4-H Club
1782 Pettinger, Anabelle 2787 Marshmallow Launcher White 3rd Baca
2602 Czarnetzki, Ripken 4017 Multi-colored robot with orange pinchers. Records in green 4-H cover Lavender 2nd Adams
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Robotics and Engineering / 2306: Give Robotics a Hand Stand Alone Unit 1 Sr
855 Roman, Adrian 1337 Rowing robot. Green 3-ring binder. Multi-color Kit Carson Country 4-H Club
4-H Exhibits / Mechanical Sciences - Robotics and Engineering / 2310: Robots on the Move Stand Alone Unit 2 Jr
829 Haynes, Atlee 1307 Coffee Can Robot Lavender 2nd Montrose
1415 Brown, Keegan 2225 diorama with a functioning gondola controlled by mini grey and orange remote control white binder record book White 3rd Jefferson