Thank you for choosing to show as an exhibitor at the Polk County Fair! We are excited you will be joining us. Due to space constraints some the descriptions for classes have been streamlined and may not have the full description listed. Please refer to the Premium Book for full descriptions.
You must be enrolled in a project to show in that project at the fair. If you are unable to enter into a class and you believe you are signed up for that project please contact your leader to verify what you are enrolled in. Please email with the information so I can assist you to enter in the class.
If entering animals, the Fair Entry program requires an animal name. When prompted for a name you can enter a tag # or a fictitious name. The pen/stall/cage fee is PER ANIMAL. You need to enter the amount of animals you are bringing to the fair to ensure we have a place for your critter to hangout and showoff while they are at the fair!
The junior entry fee is $7.00. The open/senior entry fee is $10.00. If you are bringing an animal(s) to the fair you will also incur Pen/Stall/Cage fees.
Once your entry has been approved, you will receive an email and your card will be charged.