Welcome to the 2025 Lenawee County 4-H Division!
4-H Exhibitors: Please use the Green button to log and and register for your classes. Make sure all questions are answered. Many animals now require you to choose the breed and the color and or sex of the animal. After all entries are created, and all family members are added, please click submit at the end!
Buyers, if you bought at any of the Auctions in 2024, you are already in the system. Please call the 4-H office at 517-264-5300 and let us know which auctions you would like to attend. Passes and information will be sent in July closer to fair. If you are a NEW buyer, please call the 4-H office at 517-264-5300 for assistance in registering online and to receive buyer information packet.
Static Entrepreneurship Auction will open Sunday July 20th
Animal Auction Entries will be set by Wednesday July 23rd.
Thank you for your continued support.