Welcome to Marshall-Putnam 4-H Show Registration!

We are counting on you—our 4-H members, families, staff, and volunteers—to help make this fair season a safe and successful one!

Earlier this year, you enrolled in our 4-H enrollment system, Zsuite. The projects you selected for your child in Zsuite will be the same projects you choose here in Fair Entry. Fair Entry tells us at the county level what your child plans to bring to the 4-H shows.

Fair Entry also syncs with the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. If your child is selected to advance to the State Fair with their project, we can easily promote them through Fair Entry. However, animal projects are NOT automatically promoted from the county level—families must personally enter those projects at the state level.

Please review the Fair Entry Helpful Hints below before starting your registration. If you have any questions, contact the Extension Office at (309) 364-2356.

Fair Entry Helpful Hints

? Fair Entry will be open from May 20 - June 30, 2025.
? Have a list of the projects your child is enrolled in.
? The "division" refers to the project category.
? All levels of a project area will appear on the screen under the division.
? Only select a class that corresponds with the original project selected in Zsuite.
? A $0 invoice will be created—no payment is required. Please complete all family members before submitting.
? You will receive a confirmation email from Fair Entry after our office has reviewed and approved your registration.

Registration closes at midnight on June 30, 2025.
Late entries will NOT be eligible for awards, premiums, or special honors.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a fantastic 4-H Show!