2024 Richland County 4-H Achievement Days

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Viewing records 1-50 of 337
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 9:58 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Breeding / 1111: junior heifer calf, born January or later of the current year
39 Quam, Teresa 171 Purple Richland Believers
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Breeding / 1116: spring yearling heifer, born March or April of previous year
12 Heitkamp, Aiden 17 Purple Richland Believers
13 Heitkamp, Kail 23 Pink Richland Believers
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Market / 1150: spring steer calf, born January or later of current year
5 Podliska, Mary 3 Purple Richland Prairie Clovers
41 Stroehl, Ryker 183 Pink Richland Prairie Clovers
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Market / 1151: market beef heifer
40 Stroehl, Ridley 181 Purple Richland Prairie Clovers
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Market / 1152: market beef steer
30 Prochnow, Addison 178 Pink Richland Aurora Skies
41 Stroehl, Ryker 184 Purple Richland Prairie Clovers
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Showmanship / 1101: junior showmanship, beef
5 Podliska, Mary 4 Pink Richland Prairie Clovers
12 Heitkamp, Aiden 18 Blue Richland Believers
13 Heitkamp, Kail 24 Purple Richland Believers
39 Quam, Teresa 173 Blue Richland
41 Stroehl, Ryker 182 Blue Richland Prairie Clovers
40 Stroehl, Ridley 186 Blue Richland Prairie Clovers
11 4-H Beef Cattle / Beef Showmanship / 1103: senior showmanship, beef
30 Prochnow, Addison 179 Purple Richland Aurora Skies
13 4-H Goats / Goat Showmansip - meat / 1301: junior showmanship, meat or fiber goat
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 86 Purple Richland Believers
13 4-H Goats / Goat Showmansip - meat / 1302: intermediate showmanship, meat or fiber goat
32 Dotzenrod, Cody 115 Pink Richland Wyndmere Archery Club
13 4-H Goats / Goat Showmansip - meat / 1303: senior showmanship, meat or fiber goat
36 Dotzenrod, Samantha 124 Purple Richland Believers
13 4-H Goats / Goats - meat, hair, other / 1317: Commercial doeling, born on or after August 1 of previous year
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 87 Purple Richland Believers
32 Dotzenrod, Cody 114 Blue Richland Believers
36 Dotzenrod, Samantha 123 Pink Richland Believers
13 4-H Goats / Goats Market / 1351: Market wether, any breed or crossbred born on or after Dec. 1, of previous year
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 88 Purple Richland Believers
14 4-H Horse Show / Horsemanship English / Western Events / 1401: showmanship at halter, 8 to 11
54 Loff, Raegan 274 Purple Richland Lucky Leaf
14 4-H Horse Show / Horsemanship English / Western Events / 1402: showmanship at halter, 12 to 14
53 Loff, Karsyn 269 Purple Richland Lucky Leaf
16 4-H Poultry / Chickens - Standard Breeds / 1627: hen over one year - chicken standard breeds
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 91 Blue Richland Believers
32 Dotzenrod, Cody 118 Purple Richland Believers
36 Dotzenrod, Samantha 127 Pink Richland Believers
16 4-H Poultry / Chickens Egg Production / 1642: three hens - more than 14 months of age
17 Severance, Ella 38 Blue Richland Believers
19 Severance, Samuel 39 Blue Richland Believers
16 4-H Poultry / Poultry Showmansip / 1601: junior exhibitor showmanship, poultry
17 Severance, Ella 34 Pink Richland Believers
19 Severance, Samuel 35 Blue Richland Believers
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 92 Purple Richland Believers
16 4-H Poultry / Poultry Showmansip / 1602: Intermediate exhibitor showmanship, poultry
32 Dotzenrod, Cody 131 Pink Richland Believers
16 4-H Poultry / Poultry Showmansip / 1603: senior exhibitor showmanship, poultry
36 Dotzenrod, Samantha 133 Purple Richland Believers
17 4-H Rabbits / Rabbit Breeding / 1732: senior buck, 6 months and older, class 4 breeds
17 Severance, Ella 33 Pink Richland Believers
17 4-H Rabbits / Rabbit Breeding / 1742: senior doe, 6 months and older, class 4 breeds
19 Severance, Samuel 37 Purple Richland Believers
17 4-H Rabbits / Rabbit Pet / 1767: any rabbit kept as a pet
34 David, Kenadi 105 Purple Richland Aurora Skies
17 4-H Rabbits / Rabbit Showmanship / 1701: junior showmanship, rabbit
17 Severance, Ella 32 Pink Richland Believers
19 Severance, Samuel 36 Purple Richland Believers
17 4-H Rabbits / Rabbit Showmanship / 1703: senior showmanship, rabbit
34 David, Kenadi 104 Purple Richland Aurora Skies
18 4-H Sheep / Sheep Breeding / 1811: spring ewe lamb, born January or later of current year
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 145 Blue Richland Believers
36 Dotzenrod, Samantha 162 Purple Richland Believers
32 Dotzenrod, Cody 180 Pink Richland Believers
18 4-H Sheep / Sheep Showmanship / 1801: junior showmanship, sheep
31 Dotzenrod, Luke 90 Purple Richland Believers
18 4-H Sheep / Sheep Showmanship / 1802: intermediate showmanship, sheep
32 Dotzenrod, Cody 117 Pink Richland Believers
18 4-H Sheep / Sheep Showmanship / 1803: senior showmanship, sheep
36 Dotzenrod, Samantha 126 Purple Richland Believers
19 4-H Swine / Swine Breeding / 1914: crossbred or grade breeding gilt under 385 pounds
37 Gorder, Wade 132 Purple Richland Lucky Leaf
37 Gorder, Wade 134 5th Richland Lucky Leaf
38 Gorder, William 139 Pink Richland Lucky Leaf
19 4-H Swine / Swine Market / 1957: market barrow
12 Heitkamp, Aiden 19 Blue Richland Believers