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2024 Carlton County Fair

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Viewing records 801-850 of 918
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 10:07 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Poultry / Poultry Showmanship / Jr. Poultry Showmanship - Grades 3-5
167 Peterson, Alexis 1762 Blue Carlton Rowdy Wranglers
168 Vollmers , Quinn 1797 Blue Carlton Sunshine Acres
Poultry / Poultry Showmanship / Sr. Poultry Showmanship - Grades 9+
23 Webster, Kora 196 Blue Carlton Esko Cloverleaf
Poultry / Turkeys / Turkeys - Domestic Only - Market pen of two males or two females
58 Jordan, Braham 586 Blue Carlton Sunshine Acres
Public Presentations / Demonstration / Presentation / Demonstration - Individual
17 Vogt, Rebekah 151 Blue Carlton Nemadji
165 Sandstrom, Ruth 1753 Blue Carlton Esko Cloverleaf
Rabbits / Large Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Large Breed Intermediate Buck 6 - 8 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 62 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 80 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Large Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Large Breed Intermediate Doe 6 - 8 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 63 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 81 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Large Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Large Breed Junior Buck under 6 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 64 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 82 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Large Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Large Breed Junior Doe under 6 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 65 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 83 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Large Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Large Breed Senior Buck over 8 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 66 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 84 Blue Carlton Nemadji
26 Fagre, Paisleigh 237 Blue Carlton Nemadji
44 Petry, Nia 391 Blue Carlton Nemadji
122 Peterson, Quinn 1299 Blue Carlton Sunshine Acres
Rabbits / Large Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Large Breed Senior Doe over 8 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 67 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 85 Blue Carlton Nemadji
26 Fagre, Paisleigh 238 Blue Carlton Nemadji
44 Petry, Nia 392 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Rabbit Showmanship / Int. Rabbit Showmanship - Grades 6 - 8
3 Soderbloom, Maci 3 Blue Carlton Sunshine Acres
10 Rose, Coltyn 61 Blue Carlton Nemadji
9 White, AliAleece 107 Blue Carlton Nemadji
123 Jordan, Jaxon 1791 Blue Carlton
Rabbits / Rabbit Showmanship / Jr. Rabbit Showmanship - Grades 3 - 5
11 Rose, Jaxon 79 Blue Carlton Nemadji
26 Fagre, Paisleigh 236 Blue Carlton Nemadji
148 Peterson, Aubrey 1602 Blue Carlton Nemadji
122 Peterson, Quinn 1790 Blue Carlton
Rabbits / Rabbit Showmanship / Sr. Rabbit Showmanship - Grades 9+
16 LaTour, Miranda 138 Blue Carlton Rowdy Wranglers
44 Petry, Nia 390 Blue Carlton Nemadji
2 Rubesh, Laura 440 Blue Carlton Barnyard Buddies
103 Vargo, Abigail 1145 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Small Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Small Breed Junior Buck under 6 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 72 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 86 Blue Carlton Nemadji
44 Petry, Nia 393 Blue Carlton Nemadji
3 Soderbloom, Maci 814 Blue Carlton
103 Vargo, Abigail 1146 Blue Carlton Nemadji
Rabbits / Small Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Small Breed Junior Doe under 6 months of age
11 Rose, Jaxon 87 Blue Carlton Nemadji
26 Fagre, Paisleigh 235 Blue Carlton Nemadji
44 Petry, Nia 394 Blue Carlton Nemadji
2 Rubesh, Laura 439 Blue Carlton Barnyard Buddies
3 Soderbloom, Maci 815 Blue Carlton
Rabbits / Small Breed Rabbits / Rabbit - Small Breed Senior Buck over 6 months of age
10 Rose, Coltyn 70 Blue Carlton Nemadji
11 Rose, Jaxon 88 Blue Carlton Nemadji
26 Fagre, Paisleigh 233 Blue Carlton Nemadji
2 Rubesh, Laura 436 Blue Carlton Barnyard Buddies
44 Petry, Nia 533 Blue Carlton Nemadji