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2024 Lee Regional Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 401-450 of 744
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 10:57 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Pumpkin, Painted (1) / Exhibitors Grades K-2
262 Gates, Gloria 1197 White Harnett
116 Wicker, Maggie 1316 Blue Lee
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Rocks, Hand-painted (3) - NEW / Exhibitors Grades 3-5
177 Rodriguez, Vanessa 835 Red Lee
413 Bloomer, Quinnlyn 2058 Space Rock, Duck Rock, Basketball Rock Blue Harnett
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Rocks, Hand-painted (3) - NEW / Exhibitors Grades 6-8
181 Tiffin, Todd 669 Red
475 Whitaker, Ansleigh 2337 Sea creatures Blue
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Rocks, Hand-painted (3) - NEW / Exhibitors Grades 9-12
267 Overton, Elise 1624 Blue Johnston
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Rocks, Hand-painted (3) - NEW / Exhibitors Grades K-2
27 Bastress, Ryan 282 Blue Lee
189 Phillips, Mckenna 741 Red
285 gremore, Lucille 2463 3 painted rocks White Lee
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Sea Shell Item / Adult Exhibitors
219 Steiner, Elizabeth 891 Red Lee
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Sea Shell Item / Exhibitors Grades 3-5
177 Rodriguez, Vanessa 843 White Lee
211 Falls, Emma 858 Red Lee
417 Garcia, Mateo 2083 Letter M with shells Blue
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Sea Shell Item / Exhibitors Grades 6-8
181 Tiffin, Todd 670 Red
418 Garcia, Eliana 2084 Letter E with shells Blue
388 Egbert, Lawson 2105 container of sea shells White
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Sea Shell Item / Exhibitors Grades K-2
187 Phillips, Caleb 737 Blue
262 Gates, Gloria 1196 Red Harnett
195 McCarty, Riley 1954 Gray cockle with hole White Lee
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / Wreath (all natural) / Adult Exhibitors
161 Howard, Wanda 628 Blue
125 Shockey, Joy 722 Red
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / z_Other Natural Item (Identify, not listed) / Exhibitors Grades 3-5
482 Rivera-Chavarria, Lorelei 2412 Twine egg on glass stand with pipe cleaners Blue
ARTS / Natural / Organic Decorative Crafts / z_Other Natural Item (Identify, not listed) / Exhibitors Grades 6-8
181 Tiffin, Todd 2002 Blue
471 Bradley, Wilson 2304 cosmetic gold rocks (2) Red
ARTS / Photography / Action / Sport / Adult Exhibitors
25 Tadeo-Gallardo, Adrian 568 White Lee
113 Batchelor, Jerry 750 Red
214 Hogan, Gael 865 Blue
ARTS / Photography / Action / Sport / Exhibitors Grades 3-5
142 Spivey, Mason 450 Blue
177 Rodriguez, Vanessa 849 Red Lee
506 Heimbecker, Asher 2544 golfer White
ARTS / Photography / Action / Sport / Exhibitors Grades 6-8
181 Tiffin, Todd 671 Blue
206 Lorbacher, Eliana 1161 Red
284 Carter, Ian 1396 White
ARTS / Photography / Action / Sport / Exhibitors Grades 9-12
265 Gates, Gabe 1211 Blue Harnett
ARTS / Photography / Animals (Pets, Wildlife, Birds) / Adult Exhibitors
91 Rafferty, Christi 237 Yellow Lee
99 Blue, Erin 274 Blue Lee
113 Batchelor, Jerry 309 White
286 gremore, Laura 1430 Red Lee
ARTS / Photography / Animals (Pets, Wildlife, Birds) / Exhibitors Grades 3-5
23 Bastress, Ava 101 Red Lee
142 Spivey, Mason 451 White
259 Gates, Gideon 1192 Blue Harnett
ARTS / Photography / Animals (Pets, Wildlife, Birds) / Exhibitors Grades 6-8
181 Tiffin, Todd 672 Blue
284 Carter, Ian 1397 Red
496 Giddings, Caleb 2531 White
ARTS / Photography / Animals (Pets, Wildlife, Birds) / Exhibitors Grades 9-12
250 McElveen, Samantha 1122 Blue
369 Walton, Harley 1835 Duck Red
499 Giddings, Kate 2485 Cats White
ARTS / Photography / Buildings / Adult Exhibitors
80 Buss, William 495 White
214 Hogan, Gael 867 Blue