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2024 Porter County Fair

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Viewing records 101-150 of 3944
Results last updated at: 03/08/2025 8:45 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Gift Wrapping / 01: Gift Wrapping, Beginner, Grade 3-5
902 Richards, Joshua 5636 gift Red Porter Morgan Sodbusters
908 Goodwin, Amelia 5738 Orange Reserve Champion Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
938 Smith, Maci 5752 Green Porter Washington Wiz Kids 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Gift Wrapping / 02: Gift Wrapping, Intermediate, Grades 6-8
257 Vatthauer, Emily 5574 birthday present for my cousin Orange Champion Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Gift Wrapping / 03: Gift Wrapping, Advanced, Grades 9 - 12
176 Higgins, Ellie 535 Unicorn basket Reserve Grand Champion Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
176 Higgins, Ellie 535 Unicorn basket Orange Champion Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
394 Zilinger, Lilyana 1709 Red Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
15 Compton, Ella 3197 gift Orange Reserve Champion Porter Jackson Volunteers 4-H Club
686 Engibous, Cole 4796 A College care package Orange Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
801 McKee, Tyler 5130 Orange Porter Liberty Sunsetters 4-H Club
837 Hostetler, Goldie 5387 Orange Porter Pleasant Pioneers 4-H Club
942 Smith, Avery 6147 giftwrapping Green Porter Washington Wiz Kids 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Holiday Ornaments / 01: Holiday Ornaments, Beginner, Grades 3 - 5
274 Charpentier, Lila 1005 Handmade Ornament Orange Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
275 Vatthauer, Ashley 1009 A sugary treat ornament. Blue Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
294 Hypta, Amelia 1183 Blue Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
269 Cox, Tinley 1838 Reindeer hanging ornament Blue Champion Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
542 Hobbs, Maggie 2615 Blue Porter Discovery Trackers 4-H Club
597 Hoffman, Loralei 3254 a pumpkin-shaped ornament Orange Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
623 Campbell, Payton E 3529 I am making a Christmas tree ornament. Orange Porter Discovery Trackers 4-H Club
789 Meyer-Richards, Nathaniel 5043 Blue ornament with red lettering and red bow Blue Porter Boone Busters 4-H Club
792 Boyd, Kaylee 5067 Holiday ornament Orange Reserve Champion Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Holiday Ornaments / 02: Holiday Ornaments, Intermediate, Grades 6 - 8
175 Higgins, Blake 377 String Christmas tree Blue Porter Morgan Sodbusters
698 Arulandu, Mina 4000 Pine needle impression in clay Blue Porter Liberty Sunsetters 4-H Club
712 Stark, Jasmine 4151 Holiday ornament Blue Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
702 Lawley, Izalia 4156 Orange Champion Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Holiday Ornaments / 03: Holiday Ornaments, Advanced, Grades 9 - 12
176 Higgins, Ellie 391 Cactus Blue Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
178 Girouard, Jadelynn 404 Orange Reserve Champion Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
119 Nellett, Jacob 739 Christmas ornament Blue Porter Boone Busters 4-H Club
273 Ford, Sophia 997 Holiday ornament Red Porter Liberty Hot Shots 4-H Club
837 Hostetler, Goldie 5388 Reserve Grand Champion Holiday Ornaments Porter Pleasant Pioneers 4-H Club
837 Hostetler, Goldie 5388 Orange Champion Porter Pleasant Pioneers 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Homemade Toys / 01: Homemade Toys, Beginner, Grades 3 - 5
169 Wallace, Rowan 330 Homemade Toy Reserve Grand Champion Porter Liberty Hot Shots 4-H Club
169 Wallace, Rowan 330 Homemade Toy Orange Champion Level A Porter Liberty Hot Shots 4-H Club
230 Cary, Jade 781 Orange Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
275 Vatthauer, Ashley 1010 A fun toy with multiple pieces to play with! Orange Reserve Champion Level A Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
291 Wilson, Willow 1181 Farm toy Orange Porter Liberty Sunsetters 4-H Club
312 Brown, Madalynn 1667 Toy for ages 6-8, wooden dinosaur you put together. Orange Porter Washington Wiz Kids 4-H Club
109 Tancos, Easton 2347 Miniature golf set Orange Porter Discovery Trackers 4-H Club
597 Hoffman, Loralei 3227 Tea set made of clay Red Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Homemade Toys / 02: Homemade Toys, Intermediate, Grades 6 - 8
168 Wallace, Adlyn 316 Portable fidget board Orange Reserve Champion Level B Porter Liberty Hot Shots 4-H Club
224 Wilson, Melina 733 Crocheted Toy Orange Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
257 Vatthauer, Emily 904 An "on the go" toy Orange Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
702 Lawley, Izalia 4158 Orange Champion Level B Porter Center Wildcats 4-H Club
755 Weitzel, Madison 4730 dragon puppet Blue Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Homemade Toys / 03: Homemade Toys, Advanced, Grades 9 - 12
178 Girouard, Jadelynn 405 Grand Champion Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
178 Girouard, Jadelynn 405 Orange Champion Level C Porter Center Homesteaders 4-H Club
557 Cox, Heather 2765 Wooden Doll Orange Reserve Champion Level C Porter Morgan Hustling Hoosiers 4-H Club
01 County Projects / Arts & Crafts: Jewelry / 01: Jewelry, Beginner, Grades 3 - 5
134 Welch , McKenna 140 A pair of handmade earrings, using beads. Blue Porter Boone Busters 4-H Club
139 Verrazzano, Gianna 153 A handmade necklace using items from a kit. The pendant will be made from scratch using resin and other materials from the kit. Red Porter Liberty Sunsetters 4-H Club
243 Ranus, Sophia 830 1 piece of jewelry Blue Porter Portage Trailblazers 4-H Club