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2024 Newaygo County Agricultural Fair

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Viewing records 151-200 of 436
Results last updated at: 03/07/2025 12:57 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
008: Youth Goat / Goat Showmanship / 104: Intermediate - Ages 12 to 13
469 Billings, Kylie 3338 4th Newaygo
471 Gregory, Lacy 3374 Grand Champion Showmanship Newaygo
471 Gregory, Lacy 3374 1st Newaygo
008: Youth Goat / Goat Showmanship / 105: Beginner - Ages 8 to 11
131 Hug, Noah 547 1st Newaygo
215 Kokx, Oliver 1193 4th Newaygo
221 Kokx, Alden 1247 3rd Newaygo
306 Cregg, Blaikley 2017 5th Newaygo
355 Hunt, Eliotte 2394 2nd Newaygo
391 Moe, Chloe 2682 4th Newaygo
450 Thorne, Sadie 3091 5th Newaygo
475 Boone, Emarie 3416 1st Newaygo
508 Pate , Ella 3714 3rd Newaygo
008: Youth Goat / Meat Goat Junior Does / 101: Pre Jr. Doeling- under 6 months old
20 Kurtz, Lena 109 1st Newaygo
168 Giddings-Struble, Lainey 886 3rd Newaygo
355 Hunt, Eliotte 3625 5th Newaygo
480 Muraske, Birdie 3868 4th Newaygo
397 Howes, Naomi 5268 2nd Newaygo
008: Youth Goat / Meat Goat Junior Does / 102: Jr. Doeling- 6 to under 9 months old
20 Kurtz, Lena 110 Grand Champion Newaygo
20 Kurtz, Lena 110 1st Newaygo
168 Giddings-Struble, Lainey 887 4th Newaygo
131 Hug, Noah 1031 3rd Newaygo
384 Hill, Justice 2654 2nd Newaygo
008: Youth Goat / Meat Goat Senior Doe / 101: Sr. Doe;1 year to under 3 years old
7 Behm, Layla 30 Jr. Grand Champion
7 Behm, Layla 30 1st
008: Youth Goat / Meat Goat Senior Doe / 102: Sr. Doe; 3 years to under 5 years old
7 Behm, Layla 31 Jr. Reserve Champion
7 Behm, Layla 31 1st
008: Youth Goat / Meat Goat Wether / 101: Wethers- all ages (EXCLUDING Market Wethers)
246 Socia, Camielle 1619 Grand Overall Wether, Reserve Overall Wether
214 Kokx, Emmett 4763 Grand Overall Wether Newaygo
008: Youth Goat / Pygmy Goat Senior / 104: Sr. Doe- 5 years and older (have kidded but do not have to be in milk)
508 Pate , Ella 3715 Sr. Reserve Champion Newaygo
508 Pate , Ella 3715 2nd Newaygo
510 Pate , Carter 3740 Sr. Grand Champion Newaygo
510 Pate , Carter 3740 1st Newaygo
012: Youth Poultry / Any Other / 108: (Ornamental) Hen; Aged 1 Year and Older
418 Ranger, Jackson 4001 Grand Champion Newaygo
514 Ranger, Sophia 4015 Reserve Champion Newaygo
012: Youth Poultry / Poultry Bantams / 103: Cockerel; Aged Less Than 1 Year
92 Gerwig, Breanna 734 Reserve Champion
012: Youth Poultry / Poultry Bantams / 105: Trio - One Rooster and Two Hens
389 Thorne, Tyler 2671 Grand Champion Newaygo
012: Youth Poultry / Poultry Standard Breeds / 101: Cock; Aged 1 Year and Older
4 Behm, Daryn 25 Grand Champion Newaygo
012: Youth Poultry / Poultry Standard Breeds / 102: Hen; Aged 1 Year and Older
4 Behm, Daryn 26 Reserve Champion Newaygo
012: Youth Poultry / Waterfowl / 103: Old Hen; Aged 1 Year and Older
4 Behm, Daryn 24 Best of Show Newaygo
014: Youth Rabbits / 4 Class Breed - Lionhead / 104: Senior Doe; Aged 6 Months and Older
298 Johnson, Opal 1950 2nd Newaygo
367 Hunt , Oren 2523 1st Newaygo
016: Youth Horse Show / Ranch Riding / 101: Ages 15 to 19
141 Sparks, Ellen 650 Grand Champion Newaygo
141 Sparks, Ellen 650 1st Newaygo
210 Andres, Madison 1142 3rd Newaygo
231 DeKuiper, Oak 1494 Reserve Champion
231 DeKuiper, Oak 1494 2nd
663 Ackerman, Katie 5015 4th Newaygo
016: Youth Horse Show / Ranch Riding / 102: Ages 12 to 14
229 DeKuiper, Aurea 1520 1st
366 Quick, Whitney 2496 4th Newaygo
434 Grey, Brinley 2903 3rd Newaygo