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2024 Muscatine County Fair

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Viewing records 601-650 of 1226
Results last updated at: 03/07/2025 12:39 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Poultry / Large Fowl / 561: Any Other Standard Variety- One Cockerel / Cock
561 Houseman, Carter 359 Blue Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Poultry / Market Flock / 200: Fryers - Pen of 2 Fryers (either sex), under 12 lbs. total weight
385 Wilson, Lane 68 Red 1st Muscatine Wilton Hustlers
Poultry / Market Flock / 210: Roasters - Pen of 2 Roasters (either sex), over 12 lbs. total weight
619 Schroeder, Avery 326 Champion Market Birds Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
619 Schroeder, Avery 326 Blue 1st Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 330 Reserve Champion Market Birds Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 330 Blue 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
561 Houseman, Carter 352 Blue Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
379 Rowell, Levi 1229 Blue Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Poultry / Showmanship / 1000: Senior Showmanship
561 Houseman, Carter 981 Sr. 1st Place Showmanship Muscatine
561 Houseman, Carter 981 Blue 1st Muscatine
379 Rowell, Levi 982 Sr. 2nd Place Showmanship Muscatine
379 Rowell, Levi 982 Blue 2nd Muscatine
Poultry / Showmanship / 1001: Junior Showmanship
388 Rowell, Hannah 983 Jr. 1st Place Showmanship Muscatine
388 Rowell, Hannah 983 Blue 1st Muscatine
385 Wilson, Lane 984 Jr. 2nd Place Showmanship Muscatine
385 Wilson, Lane 984 Blue 2nd Muscatine
380 Rowell, Jesse 985 Blue Muscatine
355 Sackett, Aubree 986 Blue Muscatine
697 Grady, Kolt 987 Blue Muscatine
Rabbit / Commercial Rabbits / 340: Junior bucks, under 6 months of age
620 Schroeder, Carson 463 Red 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 465 Reserve Champion Commercial Rabbit Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 465 Blue 1st Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Rabbit / Commercial Rabbits / 350: Junior does, under 6 months of age
620 Schroeder, Carson 464 Blue 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 466 Best of Show Rabbit, Champion Commercial Rabbit Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 466 Blue 1st Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Rabbit / Crossbred Rabbits / 500: Senior bucks, 6 months of age & over
355 Sackett, Aubree 5 Champion Crossbred Rabbit Muscatine Wapsie 4-H
355 Sackett, Aubree 5 Blue 1st Muscatine Wapsie 4-H
Rabbit / Crossbred Rabbits / 510: Senior does, 6 months of age & over
355 Sackett, Aubree 6 Reserve Champion Crossbred Rabbit Muscatine Wapsie 4-H
355 Sackett, Aubree 6 Blue 1st Muscatine Wapsie 4-H
Rabbit / Fancy Rabbits / 400: Senior bucks, 6 months of age & over
684 Garcia, Aubrey 105 Reserve Champion Fancy Rabbit Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
684 Garcia, Aubrey 105 Blue 1st Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
386 Wingerter, Lainey 337 Red Non-Placing Red Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
386 Wingerter, Lainey 370 Blue Non-Placing Blue Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
654 Collier, Saige 534 Blue 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Rabbit / Fancy Rabbits / 410: Senior does, 6 months of age & over
319 Lamb, Elivia 13 Champion Fancy Rabbit, Reserve Best of Show Rabbit Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
319 Lamb, Elivia 13 Blue 1st Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
696 Grady, Hadlee 408 Blue Non-Placing Blue Muscatine Lake 4-H
363 Schonberger, Hailey 531 Blue 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Rabbit / Fancy Rabbits / 420: Junior bucks, under 6 months of age
363 Schonberger, Hailey 532 Blue 1st Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Rabbit / Market Rabbits / Fryers / 210: Meat Pen
620 Schroeder, Carson 462 Champion Meat Pen Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
620 Schroeder, Carson 462 Blue 1st Champion Meat Pen Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
622 Schroeder, Preston 467 Blue 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H
Rabbit / Showmanship / 110: Junior Showmanship
684 Garcia, Aubrey 988 Jr. 1st Place Showmanship Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
684 Garcia, Aubrey 988 Blue 1st Muscatine Stampeding Clovers
386 Wingerter, Lainey 989 Jr. 2nd Place Showmanship Muscatine
386 Wingerter, Lainey 989 Blue 2nd Muscatine
Sheep / Commercial Lambs / 200: Commercial Speckle Face Ewe Lamb
349 Reimers, Lucy 125 Blue 2nd Muscatine Wilton FFA
324 Lehman, Addyson 442 Champion Breeding Female, Champion Commercial Ewe Lamb Muscatine West Liberty FFA
324 Lehman, Addyson 442 Blue 1st Muscatine West Liberty FFA
Sheep / Commercial Lambs / 210: Commercial Black Face Ewe Lamb
672 Ellenberg, Karson 16 Blue 2nd Muscatine Sweetland 4-H