2024 Fulton County Jr. Fair

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Viewing records 401-450 of 1044
Results last updated at: 03/07/2025 12:53 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
04: Goats / Dairy Goat Breeding / 08: Dam & Daughter Dairy & Exotic
485 Mishka, Ella 1898 2nd Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
488 Mishka, Leah 1972 1st Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
577 Zeiter, Adam 2532 5th Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
617 Zeiter, Derek 2553 4th Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
04: Goats / Market Goat / 01: Market Boer / Boer Cross Goat
30 Barton, Olivia 174 5th Fulton Chesterfield Feeders
134 Buck, Bailey 355 4th Fulton Dusty Boots
140 Yoder, Geoffrey 360 4th Fulton Delta Boosters
139 Yoder, Trevor 361 3rd Fulton Delta Boosters
176 Schang , Dawson 466 4th Fulton Country Club 4-H
175 Schang, Addison 468 2nd Fulton Country Club 4-H
186 Savage, Abby 533 1st Fulton Pike X-L
210 Powers, Nevaeh 606 1st Fulton Franklin Blue Ribbons
210 Powers, Nevaeh 606 1st Grand Champion Market Boer/Boer Cross Goat Fulton Franklin Blue Ribbons
172 Kovar, Hannah 627 3rd Fulton Fayette FFA
246 Bittinger, Adleigh 736 1st Fulton Lucky Livestockers
247 Bittinger, Audrea 811 3rd Fulton Lucky Livestockers
38 Hartman, Macie 817 3rd Fulton Noah's Ark 4-H Club
289 Tedrow, Benjamin 884 2nd Fulton Delta Boosters
291 Tedrow, Hannah 886 5th Fulton Delta Boosters
299 Hartman, Kolton 935 4th Fulton Noah's Ark 4-H Club
198 Stickley, Quinn 1021 3rd Fulton Dust & Denim
173 Graham, Gracie 1065 4th Fulton Fulton County Sharp Shooters and Showmen
349 Duncan, Jaden 1150 5th Fulton Dust & Denim
57 Elton, Hunter 1214 2nd Fulton Delta Country Gals & Guys
357 Shulters, Makayla 1216 2nd Fulton Lucky Livestockers
378 Miller, Hiltyn 1277 5th Fulton Pike X-L
366 Gorsuch, Mesa 1358 1st Fulton Fayette FFA
437 Hough, Kaylyn 1695 3rd Fulton Fulton County Sharp Shooters and Showmen
509 Wyse, Kinzie 2024 2nd Fulton Pettisville Ever-Ready
509 Wyse, Kinzie 2024 2nd Reserve Champion Market Boer/Boer Cross Goat Fulton Pettisville Ever-Ready
511 Wyse, Levi 2029 5th Fulton Pettisville Ever-Ready
516 Richer, Peyton 2057 1st Fulton Pettisville Ever-Ready
519 Richer, Thomas 2061 2nd Fulton Pettisville Ever-Ready
458 Tedrow, Avery 2320 5th Fulton Delta Boosters
04: Goats / Market Goat / 02: Market Dairy Goat
34 Kuckuck, Dean 109 1st Fulton Franklin Blue Ribbons
34 Kuckuck, Dean 109 1st Grand Champion Market Dairy Goat Fulton Franklin Blue Ribbons
42 Mock, Joshua 125 2nd Fulton Noah's Ark 4-H Club
83 Davis, Grace 205 2nd Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
83 Davis, Grace 205 2nd Reserve Champion Market Dairy Goat Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
32 Leininger, Zach 246 5th Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
113 Alexander, Ivan 293 4th Fulton Goats and "Udder" Things
187 Wyse, Melanie 524 5th Fulton Delta FFA
193 Stricklin, Tucker 552 3rd Fulton Fulton County Sharp Shooters and Showmen
228 Davis, Caidence 782 5th Fulton Delta Boosters
284 Fahrer, Megan 873 3rd Fulton Delta Boosters
292 Michelson, Jael 902 1st Fulton Noah's Ark 4-H Club
296 Sheller, Adyn 1188 3rd Fulton Delta Boosters
379 Adams, Zander 1332 4th Fulton Delta Boosters
405 Wyse, Robert 1418 4th Fulton Noah's Ark 4-H Club
218 Klopfenstein, Kole 1716 3rd Fulton Pettisville Ever-Ready