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2024 Larimer County Open Class

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Viewing records 851-885 of 885
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 10:06 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 150: Any Fiber Using Any Kind of Hand Spindle
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1215 white wool singles 2nd
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 160: Alpaca
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1216 white alpaca 2nd
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 200: Plant Fiber
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1217 giant Himalayan stinging nettle 2nd
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1218 tencel 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 210: Sheep Wool, medium single
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1219 white yarn 2nd
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1220 blue 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 220: Sheep Wool, two or more plies
195 Stock, Lorraine 628 This skein was spun from the fleece of a Rambouillet x Targhee sheep. The sheep was uncoated and I processed the fleece myself. After scouring, I combed the wool with Valkyrie extra fine hand combs and spun the yarn on a Matchless spinning wheel using the medium whorl, 10.5:1 ratio. The singles were spun with a Z twist and plied with an S twist. I plan to use the yarn to knit a shell. I want to knit a textured pattern on the front of the shell - possibly small cables, not continuous but scattered throughout. I made the yarn a 3-ply so it would show the texture better. 1st $100.00 Gift Certificate Champion Weaving Exhibit, Reserve Champion Hand Spun Exhibit
195 Stock, Lorraine 628 This skein was spun from the fleece of a Rambouillet x Targhee sheep. The sheep was uncoated and I processed the fleece myself. After scouring, I combed the wool with Valkyrie extra fine hand combs and spun the yarn on a Matchless spinning wheel using the medium whorl, 10.5:1 ratio. The singles were spun with a Z twist and plied with an S twist. I plan to use the yarn to knit a shell. I want to knit a textured pattern on the front of the shell - possibly small cables, not continuous but scattered throughout. I made the yarn a 3-ply so it would show the texture better. 1st Reserve Champion
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1221 purple 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 230: Silk
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1224 green/white/mint Excellence in Spinning - In Memory of Joyce Klein
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1224 green/white/mint 1st
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1225 white 2nd
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 240: Yarns, animal fiber, not listed
355 Ray, Kathryn 1155 Tibetan Mastiff 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 250: Blends of any above fiber
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1226 merino/silk/yak 3rd
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1228 autumn wool/silk/yak 2nd
207 Hostak, Hannah 1281 Dyed BFL/Silk top spun worsted for use in a knitted garment possibly an accent yarn for a sweater 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 260: Novelty Yarn, any above fiber or blend
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1229 purple slub 2nd
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1230 white slubs 3rd
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1231 blue/pink cable 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 270: 3 Skeins, hand spun from the same fiber
270 Bott, Kristi 903 Wensleydale/Cotswold/CVM cross 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Spun Yarn / 280: Any Non-Woven Project using hand spun yarn
214 Renstrom, Mary 668 1st
288 Irons, Becky 962 Handknit sweater knit from handspun yarn 2nd
207 Hostak, Hannah 1284 Hand knitted "Spark Cardigan" pattern by Andrea Mowry. The main color is a chocolate Corriedale which I drum carded and spun into a 3 ply yarn. The contrast color is combed top that I dyed and spun into a 3-ply yarn. 3rd
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Weaving / 290: Hand Woven Clothing, using hand spun yarn
214 Renstrom, Mary 667 1st Champion
214 Renstrom, Mary 667 1st Champion Hand Weaving Exhibit
374 Hoffman, Elaine 1211 scarf 2nd
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Weaving / 300: Hand Woven Clothing, using commercial yarn
197 Medah, Shana 632 “Water Scarf”: Silk boucle, merino wool and viscose woven on a rigid heddle loom using clasped weft technique and a wavy shuttle to resemble the movement of water. 1st
197 Medah, Shana 632 “Water Scarf”: Silk boucle, merino wool and viscose woven on a rigid heddle loom using clasped weft technique and a wavy shuttle to resemble the movement of water. 2nd
270 Bott, Kristi 907 Travel scarf - bambu 2nd
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Weaving / 320: Hand Woven Household Article, using commercial yarn
270 Bott, Kristi 905 Handtowel 1st
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Weaving / 330: Hand Woven Article, Youth (13 years & under)
168 Norton, Renner 546 Woven Rug 2nd
168 Norton, Renner 546 Woven Rug 2nd Outstanding Youth Exhibits
169 Norton, Rylan 550 Mug Rugs 1st
169 Norton, Rylan 550 Mug Rugs 1st Promising Young Fiber Artist - In Memory of Joyce Klein
Open Class Spinning & Weaving / Hand Weaving / 350: Hand Woven Article, Senior (60 years and over)
270 Bott, Kristi 906 Alpaca corespun rug 1st