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2024 Polk County Fair

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Viewing records 1051-1100 of 1723
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:17 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Poultry / Waterfowl / 501: Pen of 1 duck
353 Carlson, Wyatt 2392 Blue Polk Dowling Catholic FFA
356 Twohey, Owen 2710 Red Polk Beaver Hustlers
354 Twohey, Olivia 2712 Red Polk Beaver Hustlers
496 Von Stein, Preston 3559 Blue Bondurant - Farrar FFA
110 Dilks, Klara 3575 Blue Polk Wrangler Club
494 Von Stein, Garrett 3732 Champion Duck, Reserve Champion Bantam Polk Bondurant - Farrar FFA
494 Von Stein, Garrett 3732 Blue Polk Bondurant - Farrar FFA
547 Duke, Maya 4002 Red Polk Elkhart Rising Suns
558 Duke, Willow 4037 Red Polk Elkhart Rising Suns
Poultry / Waterfowl / 502: Pen of 1 market duck
123 Qualley, Charlotte 574 Blue Polk Dowling Catholic FFA
Rabbit / Commercial / 106: California
302 McDaniel, Gage 3418 Reserve Supreme Grand Champion Commercial Rabbit Polk Beaver Hustlers
302 McDaniel, Gage 3418 Blue Champion California Polk Beaver Hustlers
302 McDaniel, Gage 3420 Red Reserve Champion California Polk Beaver Hustlers
Rabbit / Commercial / 107: Champagne D-Argent
52 Rold, Montana 124 Supreme Grand Champion Commercial Rabbit, Supreme Overall Grand Champion Supreme Overall Polk
52 Rold, Montana 124 Blue Champion Champagne D’Argent Polk
52 Rold, Montana 125 Blue Reserve Champion Champagne D’Argent Polk
297 McDaniel, Kayden 3426 Blue Polk Beaver Hustlers
297 McDaniel, Kayden 3431 Blue Polk Beaver Hustlers
Rabbit / Commercial / 116: New Zealand
49 Gordon, Taylor 110 Red Polk Beaver Hustlers
49 Gordon, Taylor 113 Blue Polk Beaver Hustlers
49 Gordon, Taylor 114 Blue Reserve Champion New Zealand Polk Beaver Hustlers
281 Woody, Autumn 2978 Blue Champion New Zealand Polk Beaver Hustlers
Rabbit / Commercial / 117: Palomino
547 Duke, Maya 4025 Blue Champion Palomino Polk Elkhart Rising Suns
547 Duke, Maya 4026 Blue Reserve Champion Palomino Polk Elkhart Rising Suns
Rabbit / Commercial / 118: Satin
49 Gordon, Taylor 111 Blue Champion Satin Polk Beaver Hustlers
Rabbit / Doe & Litter / 601: Doe & Litter
127 Matula, Lena 631 Blue Polk Johnston Forevergreens
302 McDaniel, Gage 3416 Blue Polk Beaver Hustlers
302 McDaniel, Gage 3416 Blue Champion Doe & Litter Polk Beaver Hustlers
297 McDaniel, Kayden 3424 Blue Polk Beaver Hustlers
297 McDaniel, Kayden 3424 Blue Reserve Champion Doe & Litter Polk Beaver Hustlers
Rabbit / Fancy / 209: Dwarf Hotot
127 Matula, Lena 632 Blue Champion Dwarf Hotot Polk
127 Matula, Lena 633 Blue Polk
127 Matula, Lena 635 Blue Reserve Champion Dwarf Hotot Polk
127 Matula, Lena 636 Blue Polk
127 Matula, Lena 637 Blue Polk Johnston Forevergreens
Rabbit / Fancy / 217: Holland Lop
78 Lihs, Myles 556 Blue Polk
116 Griffith, Zoe 599 Blue Reserve Champion Holland Lop Polk
116 Griffith, Zoe 600 Blue Champion Holland Lop Polk
116 Griffith, Zoe 601 Blue Polk
166 Stubbs, Alice Mae 843 Blue Polk
166 Stubbs, Alice Mae 844 Blue Polk
166 Stubbs, Alice Mae 845 Blue Polk
166 Stubbs, Alice Mae 846 Blue Polk
174 Clark, Danika 868 Blue Polk
174 Clark, Danika 869 Blue Polk
324 Juhl, Izi 2146 Blue Polk Bondurant - Farrar FFA
324 Juhl, Izi 2152 Blue Polk Bondurant - Farrar FFA
324 Juhl, Izi 2155 Blue Polk Bondurant - Farrar FFA
324 Juhl, Izi 2159 Blue Polk Bondurant - Farrar FFA
396 Higgins, Lyla 2726 Blue Polk Johnston Forevergreens