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2024 Clay County 4-H/FFA Fair

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Viewing records 1401-1450 of 2628
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 10:56 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CB213D: Asiatic Pullet Standard
265 Cother, Sophia 1276 Blue Palo Alto Highland Cruisers
265 Cother, Sophia 1277 Blue Palo Alto Highland Cruisers
326 Huyser, Kanaan 1550 Blue Sioux FFA Rock Valley
332 Huyser, Grady 1564 Purple Sioux FFA Rock Valley
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2401 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CC223D: English Pullet Standard
332 Huyser, Grady 1569 Purple Sioux FFA Rock Valley
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2385 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
394 Bean, Leah 3045 Blue Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
428 Kracht, Keegan 3784 Blue Clay Clay Raiders
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CD233D: Mediterranean Pullet Standard
352 Swenson, Brianna 1701 Blue Dickinson FFA Okoboji
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2387 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2413 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
645 Eichenberger , Landon 3318 Purple Kossuth North Iowa 4-H'ers
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CE243D: Continental Pullet Standard
326 Huyser, Kanaan 1545 Blue Sioux FFA Rock Valley
357 Swenson, Caden 1726 Blue Dickinson Milford Pioneers
357 Swenson, Caden 1728 Blue Dickinson Milford Pioneers
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2397 Purple Plymouth Grant Little Giants
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CF253D: All Other Pullet Standard
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2390 Purple Plymouth Grant Little Giants
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CG263D: Purebred Breeds Not Recognized Pullet
265 Cother, Sophia 1279 Blue Palo Alto Highland Cruisers
352 Swenson, Brianna 1703 Purple Dickinson FFA Okoboji
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CH273D: Game Pullet Bantam
394 Bean, Leah 2454 Blue Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
531 Preston, Emma 3232 Purple Emmet Jack Creek Feeders
531 Preston, Emma 3236 Blue Emmet Jack Creek Feeders
535 Preston, Ethan 3238 Blue Emmet Jack Creek Feeders
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CJ283D: Single Comb Clean Legged Non-Game Pullet Bantam
332 Huyser, Grady 1572 Blue Sioux FFA Rock Valley
357 Swenson, Caden 1716 Blue Dickinson Milford Pioneers
392 Bean, Calvin 2296 Blue Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
442 Westhoff, Ty 2373 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
442 Westhoff, Ty 2381 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
441 Westhoff, Jarret 2407 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
393 Bean, Kooper 3084 Blue Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
644 Eichenberger, Emma 3298 Purple Kossuth North Iowa 4-H'ers
645 Eichenberger , Landon 3327 Blue Kossuth North Iowa 4-H'ers
645 Eichenberger , Landon 3329 Blue Kossuth North Iowa 4-H'ers
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CK293D: Rose Comb Clean Legged Pullet Bantam
326 Huyser, Kanaan 1546 Blue Sioux FFA Rock Valley
392 Bean, Calvin 2328 Blue Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
442 Westhoff, Ty 2359 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
442 Westhoff, Ty 2365 Blue Plymouth Grant Little Giants
394 Bean, Leah 2436 Purple Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CL303D: All Other Combs Clean Legged Pullet Bantam
394 Bean, Leah 3043 Purple Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poultry Small Bird District / CM313D: Feather Legged Pullet Bantam
357 Swenson, Caden 1718 Blue Dickinson Milford Pioneers
428 Kracht, Keegan 2232 Blue Clay Clay Raiders
428 Kracht, Keegan 2236 Blue Clay Clay Raiders
462 Sykes, Shelby 2592 Blue Sac OA Richland Robins
462 Sykes, Shelby 2594 Blue Sac OA Richland Robins
393 Bean, Kooper 3099 Blue Buena Vista Fairfield Pioneers
644 Eichenberger, Emma 3295 Purple Kossuth North Iowa 4-H'ers
645 Eichenberger , Landon 3325 Blue Kossuth North Iowa 4-H'ers
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poulty Large Bird County / 32: Heavy Weight Duck Class Breeding Pen of 3
546 O'Clair , Coleton 3222 Blue Clay Meadow Motivators
FFA Fair / Poultry / Poulty Large Bird County / 35: Bantam Duck Class Breeding Pen of 3
355 Ball, Roysen 1987 Blue Clay Lincoln Lions